A collection of few of my Projects. These are mostly practice, and my personal projects.
Selected Works 🧰
personal project
An anime search engine that fetches anime info and tells you which anime, which episode, and the exact moment this scene appears.
- reactjsÂ
- styledcomponentsÂ
- graphqlÂ
- figmaÂ
cruxe extension
A Chrome Extension to Summarise an Article/Blog using AI in the desired number of words.
- htmlÂ
- cssÂ
- javascriptÂ
- figmaÂ
personal project
The first iteration of my personal portfolio, made with plain old Html, CSS, javascript, Nodejs and Express.
- nodejsÂ
- expressÂ
- handlerbarsÂ
- htmlÂ
- cssÂ
- javascriptÂ
clearknox landing page
A Landing page template that I made with Reactjs and TailwindCSS. Feel free to use this for your own projects.
- reactjsÂ
- tailwindcssÂ
- javascriptÂ
- treactÂ
Addikit Landing page
A simple landing page I made with Reactjs and TailwindCSS and Styled components using Treact.
- ReactjsÂ
- tailwindcssÂ
- StyledcomponentsÂ
- TwinmacroÂ
Food ordering dashboard
A Food ordering dashboard made with React that includes features like adding Menu, Category, and Items and functionality to publish Menu, etc.
- ReactjsÂ
- MuiÂ
- StyledcomponentsÂ
Züs website
Züs rebranded the website I made for 0chain.net with Next.js and SCSS
- Next.jsÂ
- Framer MotionÂ
- React RevealÂ